Astronomers confirm the existence of dark energy to accelerate the expansion of the universe

Astronomers confirm the existence of dark energy and accelerate the expansion of the universe

One of the methods used in this study is to measure the large-scale distribution of galaxies in the universe.

Astronomers confirm the existence of dark energy and accelerate the expansion of the universe

The data from the Anglo-Australian telescope contributed greatly to the research.

Astronomers confirm the existence of dark energy and accelerate the expansion of the universe

This is a schematic diagram. The universe is in a balance of gravitation and dark energy. In the figure, the green grid line below represents gravitation, and the purple grid above represents dark energy.

According to the BBC website, using the most advanced astronomical measurement technology, astronomers have confirmed the existence of mysterious dark energy through sky surveys. Dark energy occupies 74% of all matter in the universe, and it is the promoter of the accelerated expansion of the universe. The expansion process of the universe is in a balance of two competing forces, just like yin and yang. One of these forces is gravitation, and their action slows down expansion, while another powerful counter force is dark energy, which accelerates the expansion of the universe. And now it seems that dark energy wins.

This research is based on scientists' observations of 200,000 galaxies. The researchers used two different methods to verify previous dark matter observations. The British Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society has accepted two papers submitted by the group and will be published in a recent journal.

One of the two astronomical measurement methods used this time is to investigate the distribution of galaxies in the universe and find out the patterns. This mode is called "baryon acoustic oscillations" (BAO).

The second method is to measure the difference in the formation speed of galaxies in different periods of the universe. The results of both methods confirm the existence of dark energy in the universe and the fact that the universe is accelerating.

The concept of dark energy was first proposed by astronomers during the observation of distant supernovae in the 1990s.

In order to explain why the universe expands faster, astronomers and physicists face two options: either rewrite Einstein ’s theory, or accept the view that the universe is full of a brand new, we completely Mysterious energy without understanding.

Dr. Chris Blake from Swinburne University of Technology in Melbourne, Australia, is also one of the collaborators of this research. He said: "Dark energy acts like you throw a ball upwards, and then you find that it accelerates and flies upwards. And it gets faster and faster. This result tells us that dark energy is a cosmic constant, just like love As originally proposed by Instein. If we only consider gravity, we cannot observe such a phenomenon. "

These latest findings come from a galaxy survey project called "WiggleZ", which started in 2006 and was completed this year. This project used data from the NASA Galaxy Evolutionary Probe (Galex) and the British-Australian Telescope at the Siding Spring Observatory in Australia.

This survey of the sky surveyed the unprecedented distribution of galaxies in the vast space, which is equivalent to a time of 8 billion years back when the universe was only half the age of today.

Cosmologist Bob Nicholl (Bob Nicholl) said: "This is a major development. These participants are everyone in this regard, we have been waiting for their results for some time."

Dr. Nico himself is a professor of astrophysics at the University of Portsmouth in the UK. He said: "This is another confirmation of the existence of dark energy, allowing us to better revise our theory and point us to the future. More astronomers will follow up this research work soon. "

In our universe, dark energy occupies 74%, and another mysterious substance that does not reflect nor radiate detectable electromagnetic waves: dark matter, occupies a 22% share. Everything we can observe: all gases, solids, liquids, stars, galaxies, planets, and everything we are familiar with add up to only 4% of the universe.

However, although scientists have confirmed that dark energy and dark matter do exist, we still cannot explain these two mysterious phenomena.

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