Use clothing labels

In recent years, more and more people have begun to make a fuss about the label. The Canadian Fair Trade Network, a Canadian Fair Trade Network, has collaborated with advertising company Rethink to launch three products, “Storytelling with clothing labels , ” calling for people to It has environmental awareness and calls for more people to pay attention to and protect the basic human rights of the labor force in poor countries and global child labor.

It can be seen that each garment uses an unusually long and long label, and the label is not a regular washing instruction or material description, but three stories.

One of the labels says: "The garment is 100% cotton, and the source of cotton is grown by Tejan who is working in Sierra Leone, West Africa.

When Tejan was growing and picking cotton, it was often because the employer did not provide protection and the blood was punctured by cotton.

He also has no extra money to heal, but also fears losing a long-term job.

But even if he were to blame, the cotton field was sprayed with too many pesticides to allow Tejan to work in a hostile environment, leaving the 34-year-old to leukemia.

The story is not finished yet, because his daughter may also begin to work in the cotton field next year, just like his father. ”

Is it shocking? Behind a seemingly simple dress you wear, there is a very unhappy family. This series of PSAs is to remind us not to forget that behind the consumption of a thing we may have a tragedy that is taking place. To be an environmentally conscious person is to help the unfortunate family.

Let's take a look at the stories on the other 2 tabs:

Just translated: The dress you are wearing now comes from a 9-year-old boy from Behnly. Every day, when he was still dark, he got up and went to work in this garment factory. When he left, it was dark. He wore very little, because usually the temperature in the factory was 30°C. The dust in the room was filled with his nose and mouth. He couldn't earn 7 renminbi a day and he took the hard-to-breath dust mask. It only cost 10 cents for the factory.

Brief translation: This piece of clothes is from the little girl of Joya in Bangladesh. She dropped out of school when she was 12 years old. She has just lost her father and she is working to help her to support this family and her two older brothers. Her father died in a fire, which is the garment factory that made cotton. And across the road from the factory where she works now is the ruins of the factory that burned her dad. Let us pray that the tragedy of the fire will not happen to her. (For details, please refer to: )

[Note] China Packaging Information Network is the official website of China Packaging News and China Packaging Industry Magazine.

Contact: Gu Yingyi Mobile Phone

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